Thursday, April 19, 2007

being in charge

Yesterday was the start of my temporary reign as acting GM of the restaurant. This is very cool for me, as I expect to do well, and am hopeful that will translate into me running said restaurant as the official GM.
I think there was about 13 minutes out of 10 hours yesterday that weren't filled with the Neverending List of Stuff to do. Being off for a week, naturally there were a few things waiting for me to do. Add to that certain members of the team that decided it would be easier to wait for me to do things for them when I returned from holidays instead of taking care of them right away and I didn't have more than one moments time to breathe. I did manage to catch up on the things waiting for me, with the help of "Scary Chris" and a plea for help.
Then, after coming home for dinner, and tucking the kids into bed, it was time for basketball. Every Wednesday night a bunch of guys get together at our church gym and run the court for a few hours. I haven't made it out for a couple weeks, and today I am feeling it. It started with a sore ankle, and has slowly progressed throughout the day to a sore back too.
Oh, the joys of getting old.

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