Tuesday, July 29, 2008

time stands still for no sun

A bit of a delay since the last post I see. I never did spend any time trying to get the picture uploaded from the last post. Take my word for it, it was good.

We have been very busy the last week, going to see Ryder at Canuck place, checking out the fireworks on the weekend (which were awesome, I just wish that one visit to the 2nd beach pool in Stanley Park would result in sunshine and hot temperatures instead of clouds, wind and rain), ice skating on Friday for Thomas' birthday. I spent most of Thursday embarrassing myself on the golf course with my boss. I went in to it with having fully disclosed my lack of golfing prowess, so he wasn't surprised, just entertained.

The next month brings with it a lot of stuff going on as well. Eleanor and I have birthday's (so do my Dad, Fiona, Nicole...the list goes on) along with a baseball tournament at work, a devo* outing to Whistler (90% chance it will happen). There are more things I'm sure, but I'm really too lazy to make the rest of the list.

Part of what I need to do is get my ducks lined up for my application to the PCP program. I seem to be distracted by all the goings on of summer, and time keeps fleeting past without any progress on this subject. I have negotiated the contract at work to keep us happy until the course, but I need to get in to this course. So, add that to the list of stuff to do in August. I really will try to post when I can. If it seems light though, you can count on the fact that it must have been sunny.

*"devo" is a term we use for a staff developer, or trainer. simple, eh?

Monday, July 14, 2008

stanley park adventures

It was a well intentioned trip that didn't pay much attention to the weather forecast before we left home. It was a beautiful sunny day, and until we left the house (read - cave) we hadn't really noticed that there were 65km/hour winds accompanying the sunshine on Thursday. We took a trip down to second beach at Stanley park, hoping to spend some time in the Best Outdoor Pool ever, picnic in the park, enjoy the playground and such. We ended up picnicking in the car, because we didn't really want our food to blow away.
During our walk, the kids had to check out the shells, barnacles and other findings on the beach. Right before we were ready to move on, Thomas stopped us for this photo op with Eleanor. They are riding a "surfboard", which is apparently the new cool thing to do.
I love summer.

note: there is supposed to be a picture attached, which I am currently having issues uploading. Will try again later. (by later I mean maybe in a couple days, when I have 3 minutes to think)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

summer storms

One of the things that I truly enjoy about summer time are the thunder showers. I really miss being in Trail, sitting on the balcony of our house that cost less to rent than our bitty basement, and watching & listening to the lightning and thunder roll through the columbia river valley. The echo of the thunder, the sound of the rain falling-each drop racing each other to the ground.

Go BC!