Saturday, June 28, 2008


It turns out that double the does of reactine, and then later in the day benadryl, will in fact turn off the taps. I'm sure that there are parts of my inner body that are secretly being destroyed, but my nose is such a glory that my brain has declined to acknowledge this fact.

In related news, I tried switch hitting at the driving range the other day, and now I think that my shoulder is broken.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

turn off the taps

That's it. I've had enough. I am completely done with having a runny nose. It's like a leaky tap that just won't shut off. It doesn't seem to matter what kind or how much allergy medication I take, the tap just won't stop.

It is driving me crazy!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

as doubt creeps in

I am not sure why, but for some reason I seem to be entertaining the notion of staying with {corporate restaurant name here} until the new year. I was offered the possibility of a raise, if I would commit to then. I am not really sure why I am considering it. I think it is because that would be the easy choice, which would allow me to maintain status quo and not have to make any major life changes. Well, not just that, but the benefit of the kids staying at the same school for another year or two, instead of having to change once now and again when I take the PCP.
To move would take a lot of planning, a lot of changes and decisions. I want to know that this is the right choice first, but really it isn't up to me. It's up to God.
As I come home from the final night of Freedom Session, the graduation complete, I am reminded that I need to listen to what God is trying to tell me. The one rule in life that I am really trying to live by is "do the last thing that God wanted to you do". All you have to do is follow that rule, and He will be sure to take care of you, and deliver on His promises. The struggle is: taking the time to listen to Him, and having the courage to act on it. I know I need to spend more time listening. The funny thing is, even though I know this, I still choose not to.
I look forward to the Thursday night meetings of the "triad", now that Freedom Session is over, my group of dudes that will hold me accountable to listen to God and encourage me to act on what I hear.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Knomes = fun and good times. We had a baseball tournament this weekend, my family and I. Vanessa and the kids didn't play, but pretty much the rest of my family was in on it. We had a good time, and that is the important thing. I say this, because we didn't win more than one game, but who's counting. We had some tough teams to play against, teams that recruited people with semi-professional ball player status. So whatever, we couldn't score very much on them, but we had some good, solid defense against them. For a couple innings.

I did have to cut the festivities short for Sunday though, and go to work at 4. Did I mention that I have had enough of working there? I think I have mentioned it, but one more time just in case you missed it. I have lost all desire to be a restaurant manager. Too bad, since there seems to be a major crisis going on with the shortage of managers in {insert corporate restaurant name here} . Maybe someone should think about keeping the managers happy, and maybe they would stick around for a while. Just a thought.

Time to head off to bed, since I have to work at 9am. Nothing quite like being scheduled to close, then open. Someone should make a law about how much time you need to have in between shifts...wait...I think there is. Hmmm. I wonder why everyone is leaving the position...??

Friday, June 13, 2008

check 1,2

This morning I was able to check off another item in the List To Complete To Apply For PCP. (that's primary care paramedic, not crystal meth). The criminal record check has been ordered, and for $42.00 I will be once again proven clear of ever having had trouble with the law*.

Anyway, I have come to realize that I can not soon enough get out of the restaurant and in to the BC ambulance service. Until then, I will just have to suck it up and bear it, but I will make it known-I don't want to be there.

*(read:being caught)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

kindergarten graduation =

silly. I don't really understand the purpose. Maybe one day I will understand, but as of tonight-not really sure why we go and give a certificate of graduation to the kindergarten class. I know they worked hard all year, but really, didn't all of the grades? Why limit it to the first and last year students?

Oh, and in case you didn't know? I have the Best Wife Ever, it's official. She took the time to pick the mushrooms out of my dinner tonight, without being asked/coerced/poked and or prodded to do so. BEST EVER!

Monday, June 9, 2008

it's official

I now am the proud owner of a certificate of completion from the Justice Institute of B.C. It turns out that spending 3 weeks of your life doing nothing but reading & practicing emergency medicine, with the occasional dinner with the family, really pays off.

The biggest question now is, what do I do with it? Do I spend $450 to take the actual EMA licensing board test to be allowed to practice? Do I wait, and keep doing what I am doing until I get into the PCP (primary care paramedic) program, which either involves waiting until next May to take it here in the Lower Mainland or moving to Van Island to take it in January? Do I do both? If I get a job, it will probably involve a move, and unless I wait a year, school will involve a move too. I can't really do neither...

Any suggestions internet? Move for work, move for school, move for both? {Que up The Clash, with the ever popular "should I stay or should I go"}

Sunday, June 8, 2008

as panic sets in

I think about studying. I dream about the final exam. I even go to the Justice Institute to meet up with my fellow classmates to do some practice. We do some rolls, dust off the AED, look up some incidents on the J.I. website. We have lunch, and all seem to be decidedly done with the practice. No-one appears overly nervous about tomorrow, including me.

And then I come home, and since the house is empty and quiet, I decide a nap will be the perfect thing for Sunday afternoon. It was really a good nap. A fine nap indeed.

The problem now, now that the nap is over, the practice is done, and tomorrow looms closer and closer: the panic is setting in. I can't bring myself to open up the books and begin studying, but my brain decides to run in to overdrive all the same. Situations, skills, happenings, indications and contraindications all keep racing through my head. Doubt creeps in, do I know how to deal with this? What if this comes up on the test? We haven't even looked at how to care for burns for a week, and what if that happens? When do I pull the burn kit out?

I know that this is what God is calling me to do. I know that this is what I will be good at, I have been given a gift of caring & healing. Why then does my whole body feel like there is an electrical current running through me, charging me up, making my muscles tingle with anticipation? Why do I feel this hesitation to open up the books and review one more time the sequence of the patient assessment, and when to use interventions and what guidelines are attached?

How will I keep the panic from setting in Monday morning when it is my turn to show that I am capable of saving a life?

Friday, June 6, 2008

closing in on closing day

I find it a bit hard to believe that 3 weeks has gone by already. I have a half day of school today, then a final exam. Then, on Monday, it's all day finals. And then that's it. Back to work on Tuesday, which is about a 98 on my List of Places I Would Like to Be on Tuesday.

Things I am going to miss about my class:

1) 2 "recesses" and an hour long lunch in an 8 hour day.
2) the "baconscope"
3) believe it or not, getting up at 6 everyday. I know I could keep doing it, but probably will have a hard time since there will be no real reason for it, and if I work at night, crashing at 10pm could be bad.
4) weekends off

Things I am not going to miss about my class:

1) "whale tail". Put on some pants that fit please everyone
2) people complaining about how short the course is. Seriously folks, did you have no idea it would be intense for the 3 weeks? Do some research next time...
3) a person that I don't think will pass this course continuing to ask questions about the next level up paramedic course. Focus on this one dude, so you can pass it first. The next one won't take you without this one.
4) not having time to do anything around the house and leaving it all for Vanessa to have to do
5) Sager splints too "close to home"

Monday, June 2, 2008

a bit late

ok, so I didn't get back to you to discuss treasures in heaven. Sorry about that, I hadn't realized that it's been a week already. Time flies when you are filling your brain with information. If you read the passage though, you will maybe notice what really stood out to me as a call to action:
"You cannot serve both God and Money"
This may be hard for some, especially in the modernized western society that we live in. I find myself struggling with it to, every now and then when I see houses for sale, and note the distinct fact that we are not even close to getting in to one. That's ok though, cause we have a roof over our heads, walls that keep the wind and rain out, and warm dry blankets to keep us snug.

On to happier thoughts, EMR class seems to be going well. The daily quizzes are coming along nicely, and I think I have a good grasp of the practical side of things so far as well. I have to admit, I am a bit nervous about the final on Friday and the hands on exam on Monday.

Birch Bay weekend is coming up, and even though there will be an all day exam on Monday, I hope to make it down for an overnight visit with the family. My brother and his wife & kids will be there, as will my parents. The weather should be nice, and I look forward to taking the kids to the pool and getting some sunshine.

Much to my surprise, it took almost 2 weeks (13 days) for my GM to phone me and ask me a question about work. A question that he should have known the answer to, he is the GM for pete's sake. But to {insert corporate restaurant name here} I say:

Keep your restaurant. I'm going to be a Paramedic.