Wednesday, August 26, 2009

home again

We have safely returned from our little vacation to Goldendale, WA. We had a great time visiting with the Messenger Family on their little farm.

There is so much to share, yet so many things to get done (not to mention the pesky challenge of heading back to work soon) so I will give you a highlight or two, and as time goes on I will either give you more, or forget that I am supposed to.

First up on the highlight reel (although they are in no particular order of importance) is Eleanor's utter joy at spending time at the Messengers. I think that Eleanor is a natural born farm girl, and we may have to go and buy one for her now. You wouldn't know it from the last hour that we spent there, but she really did have a great time. From being able to feed the goats, checking the chicken coop for eggs a few times per day, playing with the dog, playing with the baby, to finding the closest friend she has ever had in Heaven. They were instant friends when we met back in April, and after 5 days together are even more so. It is great to see Eleanor be able to connect with a friend like she never has before.

That is all I can get into right now, as God has blessed me with a job that provides for my family. I will do my best to smile and enjoy because of this reason alone.

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