Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ball time again

It's been another year, and with that year comes the annual work slo pitch tournament. This year saw cooler weather than last, which turned out to be ok as everyone was still overheated from the last week or so.
Our team did pretty well, although we lost in the quarter finals. Quarter finals? you say. How did you do well if you lost in the quarter finals?
The team we played in the quarter finals was the reigning champ from last year, and it was (and always is) our two stores that are heavily favored to win. (not both, just one of them).
This year our match up came early in the playoffs, and with much fought effort we fell by one run in the final inning.

The most interesting story of this day for me, is that in all three games that I played, I was the pitcher. And, considering I have only ever pitched one inning in an actual game before, I have to say I rocked it out. You could even say I followed in my Dad's footsteps. I was throwing spin, I was throwing inside and outside to control where the batter hit the ball, and I even knew how and when to throw the "dark one" to get a strike out or two.

I had a blast. And now, I am going to crash for the evening and sleep like a log.

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