Monday, June 9, 2008

it's official

I now am the proud owner of a certificate of completion from the Justice Institute of B.C. It turns out that spending 3 weeks of your life doing nothing but reading & practicing emergency medicine, with the occasional dinner with the family, really pays off.

The biggest question now is, what do I do with it? Do I spend $450 to take the actual EMA licensing board test to be allowed to practice? Do I wait, and keep doing what I am doing until I get into the PCP (primary care paramedic) program, which either involves waiting until next May to take it here in the Lower Mainland or moving to Van Island to take it in January? Do I do both? If I get a job, it will probably involve a move, and unless I wait a year, school will involve a move too. I can't really do neither...

Any suggestions internet? Move for work, move for school, move for both? {Que up The Clash, with the ever popular "should I stay or should I go"}

1 comment:

Donna said...

Go Team Baconscope!

Btw, I have what I think is your hoodie. Did you leave it behind?

drop me an email if you want it back -- :)