Tuesday, July 10, 2007

summer has arrived

Summer has officially arrived, and I love it. I know some people have a hard time with the heat, like anything over 20 and it's too hot for them. By them, I mean the 3 other people that I live with. They don't do well. Me, I'm happy all the way up to 40. Then it's a bit too hot. Almost.

Watching the kids outside playing in the water reminds me of when my brother and I were growing up. Water guns, water balloons, sprinklers, family barbeque's. There were no real worries, just how much time do we have left to play before we have to come in for dinner. And will we be allowed outside after dinner?

Oh summer, I have missed you. All too fast you will slip away, but I will hold on to as much of you as I can. Welcome home.


Anonymous said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck... and did I say yuck yet? From guess who.

Russell said...

Shall I guess...the one who least likes the heat in our house?