Friday, July 13, 2007

spectacular spectacles

We drove in to Vancouver today to pick up Eleanor's very first pair of glasses. We drove in last week, and after walking in to the store, it took about 42 seconds for her to find the ones she wanted. She was a trooper, and did humour us and try a few other pairs on, but the look on her face the whole time screamed "pointless". She had her heart set on the first pair, and that was it.

Which is ok, because they are cute. I have tried to upload a picture from my phone to the email, but alas, it is not cooperating. I spent all night at work too, so I don't even have a picture on the computer to share.

I finally learned that the little "link" button in the toolbar just above me here actually will link exactly the way I want, so you can all just surf away. Alas, Mexx (the brand of glasses) nor the opticians actually exist on the web. Well, Mexx does, but they don't have an inventory to scroll through, or I would link you to the picture.

I shall overcome these challenges for the blog reading world (all 4 of you) that visit here, so you may check out this pair of amazing spectacles.

*edit* I found a picture here

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