Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September First

It's the first day of September, and that means we have one week left to get our curriculum in order. That's right folks, we will be educating our children here, out of our home. Crazy right? We don't think so. I may post more on the how/why/what were we thinking sometime soon, but no time right now for that.

We spent the day helping my brother and his family move to their new home. Not that I needed it, but it reminds me that I do not enjoy moving. I also do not enjoy moving other people. But, since we have enlisted help from family and friends countless times (not really countless, 13 in the last 14 years) I do not complain and free myself up for as many helping moves as I can. I should have them all payed back by the time I am 83.

As I have mentioned, the good times we had visiting included having fun with all of the Messenger family. Noah was very helpful around the house, dutifully doing his jobs and wholehearted whooping me at Mencala. He was also great with the younger kids, looking out for them and playing games with them.

Off for dinner now, I think I may eat two of them.

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