Monday, September 7, 2009

brunch mania

Who knew that 3 busy brunch shifts in a row would leave me as tired as 3 closing shifts would have? What a new definition to a "long weekend" for me.

The good news around here is we have a digital piano now! It should be perfect to start teaching the kids how to play (and refresh my own skills). I was reviewing the huge pile of music and music lesson papers that were left over at my parents house from yesteryear when my brother and I took piano lessons. There were a couple books and songs that took me right back, songs that I didn't even remember that I remembered, and I could hear them clearly in my head repeating as they did when I practiced them endlessly.

I'm not looking forward to the daunting task of planning my Sunday night Awana program (Go Cubbies!), music lessons for the kids, not to mention the rest of their curriculum. Over my head right now? Maybe, but I know Someone who has a pretty good grip on me and isn't going to let go.

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