Thursday, October 30, 2008


Sometimes we face choices in life. Some choices are important, like "should we move?" or "which school should the kids go to?". Or, also important, are the choices like "nobody would catch me if I took this magazine without paying for it...should I take it or not". Then there are the choices that aren't that important, like "which pair of socks shall I wear today" or "what's for lunch?".
With every choice, we usually assume that there is a positive answer, and a negative answer. A lot of times, we put a lot of effort in trying to decide which of the two choices is the correct or "right" one. We seek help from friends and family, hopefully we take the time to listen to God's word as well, all in trying to discern which choice is the "right" one.
I have been struggling for a while with a choice, and that choice is whether or not to leave my current restaurant to apply for a GM position with another brand. There seem to be alot of upsides and a few downsides to making that choice, the biggest downside being the putting on hold of the Paramedic academy.
As I struggled to figure out which is the "right" choice, I got an interesting piece of wisdom.

Sometimes God gives you two "right" choices. Sometimes we are just blessed, and have an opportunity to be right either way. I know this isn't always the case, but sometimes it is.

Nothing is forever, except the Love of God, so I'm off to make a choice. Try or Fail, time to give it a go.

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