Friday, May 9, 2008


Last night I read an article (Tyranny of the Urgent, by Charles E. Hummel) about our busy lives and taking the time for God. It talked about doing the urgent things in our lives versus the important things, and how we get caught up with stuff. Even if we had more hours in a day, we wouldn't get everything accomplished.

To me, this means that I need to take the time for daily learning and interaction with God. It's funny how this ties in with what was revealed to me on our weekend retreat, even though the two were not really planned to tie together. (isn't God smart, planning these things out)

This morning's bible reading (philippians 3:7-11) talks about the gains of this world versus the gains of a life in Christ. "I have lost everything for Him. And I think of these things as worth nothing so that I can have Christ." So much of our time and energy is spent trying to get "stuff". Bigger house, faster car, flat screen tv's that take up half the wall in the living room, flashy jewels. In fact, we spend so much time trying to get these things to impress the world, to comfort ourselves, that we lose touch with why God has given us time on Earth. We forget our purpose, and start focusing on the urgent yet eternally meaningless tasks instead of focusing our attention on what is important in life, and important to God.

Do you know your purpose yet?

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