Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year...two weeks late

If this blog was a child, I would officially be reported to Child Services. I took a month or so off, yet didn't have anyone step in to care for it. Upon returning today, I see that it is still alive, although the 3 people that read it have probably moved on to bigger and better by now.

The holidays were good. The snow provided lots of activity for the kids, and one special day where lots of the aunts & uncles and even grandma and grandpa's got out on the sleds and flew down the hill.

As the kids headed back to school last week, it provided Vanessa with some time to do some shopping-I mean job hunting. Today was her first day of her new monday to friday gig, 8-430. Why can't my job have hours like that? I have yet to get the update on how things went, but the store she is at doesn't open until Feb. so I don't imagine there was a whole lot to report. I know from giving 12,622 orientations at my job, that hers was probably not that exciting. I'll find out soon, as the kids are getting picked up from "daycare" (HUGE props to Gary and mostly Angela for hooking us up with a couple hours in their afternoons). The kids were not super excitied that Vanessa was going to work, but the thought of getting to hang out with Auntie and the kids made it easier to bear.

Still investigating an opportunity with a new restaurant, hopefully in the next week or so we'll have some more concrete answers. And time to keep the blogosphere updated.

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