Wednesday, January 21, 2009

cautious hooray?

I don't want to get too excited, but I think that after I wrote about the spyware problem, it seems to be fixed. Not really sure how it happened, but amongst my tampering yesterday I must have did something right. Added bonus to no more pop up-the computer seems to have regained it's youthful speed and vigor.

I was reminded yesterday why I no longer hold the company I currently work for in favor. A person who has been key to our store doing as well as it has for the last two years, who happens to have 3 kids and has worked out a routine that works very well for his family life, was given the proverbial finger and told he has to go and fix the Langley store. The same store that "they" allowed to be run in to the ground, the one that I have written about a few times. The sad part is, we have another qualified sous chef in our store that is willing to go and put in the time to help fix the Langley store. He is single, and has no kids, so working an extra couple hours per day doesn't bother him.
"They" say they have to do what is "best for the business". I am curious how forcing a loyal employee out after 13 years of service by putting him in a situation that you know he won't be happy with is "best for business". Especially since he has said flat out that he will not stay with the company if forced in to this move. Now both restaurants will lose his services. Smart business decision.

Maybe he will want to be KM of my new restaurant...

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