Saturday, September 1, 2007

Saturday shows

So there is no sound involved in this brief clip, but I really only had about 11 seconds to blow the dust off the camera and capture it.
A quick impromptu show from Eleanor and Thomas, as Jess and Leslie from the Bridge to Teribithia movie, singing "why can't we be friends".

Notice at the end, how Thomas comes over to check out the camera as I don't think he realized it was on until after he was halfway through the show.

Since we got this movie a month ago, the kids must have watched it about 50 times. It is the current favorite, and the current favorite would be played all day long if we let them. We got Eleanor a copy of Charlottes Web (real people) for the drive to Calgary, and I was sure that this would quickly obtain status as the current favorite. It didn't.

This is also the first time that I have tried to post a video, something that wasn't from youtube, so I am hoping that all will work out.

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