Sunday, September 12, 2010


The dreaded "Back to school week" is over. After the first couple days of getting used to the routine of school work again, the kids have resigned themselves to having to "learn" everyday. The good news is though, that over the summer the math fairy* came and sprinkled some "math isn't the end of the world and it's actually kind of fun here's how it works" dust on Eleanor. Not only has she done her math without complaint every day this week, she has a) expressed pleasure in it with such comments as "math is fun" and "these questions are so easy" and b) completed two 2 minute speed tests in under the 2 minutes, and achieved 100% on both of them.

The piano curriculum that we got for the kids is working well. After one lesson/workshop, the kids have been practicing and are almost ready to move on to the next lesson. In one week we have accomplished more that what I tried to teach all of last year. They are enjoying it, and it's a great teaching moment for me to use when they get frustrated that they can't get it perfect.

I'm off to Awana now, helping with the cubbies this year instead of leading it, which should be good for everyone.

*I know there is no "magic" fairy for math and anything else. The glory of Eleanor and math becoming "bff's" can only be attributed to God.

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