Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Still awaiting the schedule for next week. Actually, still waiting for the official "you are employed by us" date. At this point, I am thinking that I'm going to end up with a week off. That wouldn't be terrible, as long as it is only one.

Today as we were driving to the dentist (that's another story for another day) we passed through a relatively new area of town. I guess the area isn't really new, but all the homes are new. Pretty new homes, tiny yards all neat and tidy. So as we are driving, we look over to our left and there are 4 random chickens pecking away at the lawn in front of one of these neat-as-a-pin new homes. Vanessa exclaims "chickens!", which draws the attention of the little people in the back seat. Eleanor sees them, and her first reaction is "that's incredibly unusual!"

What a great vocabulary she has. It's great to have an example that school at home is actually not turning their brains to mush. Also nice to have a bit of a positive example that they really are still learning, amidst all of the skeptics.

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