Thursday, March 27, 2008


This is how sure I am that sometime in the next 3 months I will be vindicated. I will hear the much awaited and anticipated "you were right, we were wrong" in regards to the lame excuse for a GM they put in to the Langley store instead of me.

"Can't inspire a restaurant" is what they say about me. Well, at the very least I don't show up to the annual staff appreciation night hammered from the start. And when it is time for me to address the masses and thank them, praise them, rally them for a strong year? Well, what I don't do is say as little as possible and slink away in to the shadows.

Vindication will be mine.

1 comment:

Lowa said...

Hey, saw your comment on Grad over at Bill's. Nice to see a fellow Canadian! I also commented about Grad and not Prom. I married an american and still don't understand much about that Prom thing, even though he has explained it to me many times!

Also love the post about your son wanting to see your balls:) We have alot of fun with things like that down here at our house as well. Kids are a blast, eh??