Thursday, November 13, 2008

immune x 3

The kids went for their annual flu shot yesterday. Amongst a mix up of scheduling, I ended up at work instead of at this appointment with them, as is usually the custom. I missed out on the usual struggle to get the needle into Eleanor. Not too sad about that. Part of the bargaining tools used yesterday to get her shot done involved the oh so funny bit about how Daddy has to get two shots tomorrow (which is now today). I heard about this last night, and all morning from the two comedians.
Not that I was too concerned about an extra shot, our family doctor is awesome at giving them so it doesn't really hurt (at least until the next day). Except that today, after the first two, awesome family doctor looks a little more closely at the immunizations that I need for the paramedic academy, and realizes that there is actually one more that I need.
She wants to wait a month, because hey, 3 in one day would just be cruel. I guess I can't really complain, because I said just go ahead and do it. I don't really want to have to come back in a month and do this all over again.
Now, I'm home, and I have a feeling that my arm is going to start to be unusable soon, and I just may possibly explode from all of the immunizations that just hit me.

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