Friday, April 18, 2008

the update that never happened

I know, I said I was going to give you an update about our anniversary weekend. Then, I went to bed. Next thing I knew, the rest of the week was gone, and now it's today. So, I have decided that the update will be quick. Here goes:

Thursday - um, something during the day...then baseball for Thomas at 6. Then freedom session.
Friday - shopping in the USA, lunch and back for a movie in the afternoon. Hotel room at the Ocean Promenade and then dinner at the Keg. Super delicious.
Saturday - sleep in, then baseball for Thomas in the sunshine. The warmest, sunniest day of the whole year. Quick sunburn, and I forget the rest of the day. We did something.

Next up for me: EMR class starts on May 20. It's going to be a crazy 3 weeks, and I am not really sure how I am going to survive it.

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