Thursday, November 1, 2007

people or things

So many people in this day and age get blinded by the importance of "things". I remember when we first got this computer, and we were so excited by the flatscreen monitor. It was big, it was widescreen, I was stoked about using it. Three days later, there was a scratch on the left side of the monitor. One of the kids had picked up a screwdriver that I had left on the computer table and somehow left a lasting impression. It was difficult at the time not to get mad, but thankfully Vanessa was there to remind me that part of the responsibility fell on me, that I should not have left the screwdriver on the computer desk. I never did yell about it. This doesn't mean that I have never got mad, even when I shouldn't have, but it's important to remember that people are more important than things.

I just watched the video of Randy Pausch on Oprah. He had some very compelling things to say, more than just a story about people versus things. It is definitely worth the 10 minutes of your time. Oh, and you might want to have a tissue handy.


Anonymous said...

Hey baby... kind of like the blue Sharpy on the carpet? I love you.

Russell said...

Did I mention the blue sharpie on the carpet of the brand new townhouse? 3 days in to living there?
