Tuesday, October 2, 2007

important matters

Last Monday, a friend from our church was involved in a very serious car accident on her way to work. I have just spent a few minutes updating myself on her status here. I don't know her very well, Vanessa knows her a bit better than me. I do know that Esther has touched a countless number of lives in our community, and is very much loved by many.

Then I came over here to give the internet a quick update on our life, or some random story, whichever came to mind. I noticed the last post of mine, the one that rambles on about a computer crash and the headache it caused.

I have to say that I am a bit embarrassed that I spent 20 minutes writing a post instead of praying for our friend that is lying in a hospital bed heavily medicated so she can heal.

Please take a moment to thank God for all of the blessings that you have. So many things we take for granted, like getting to work and back safely. How many of us complain about the jobs we have to wait in traffic to get to, only to complain about the rush hour getting home?

I want to tell everyone to go out and do something good with your lives. Do something that makes a difference. Help people, heal people, lend a hand.

But until I can get out of my own complacency; until I stop being afraid to make a change; I can't really tell anyone else to now, can I?

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