Tuesday, April 13, 2010

rapid fire updates

-One day, Eleanor will look back at today and laugh. One day, but probably not today. What will she laugh at you say? Well, upon getting her toothbrush ready in the bathroom this morning, she thought it would be lovely to sit upon the toilet to do the work-all the while thinking the lid was down, providing an easy seating solution. Turns out, the lid was up. As was the seat. Which left only the bowl of water to catch her bottom. Like I said, one day she will laugh at this, but not today.

-Paramedic academy starts May 10th. It will take a lot of effort and energy on my part to get school and work done, and a lot of help from He who guides me.

-I find that every year when our wedding anniversary comes around I end up bragging to everyone that I meet how awesome my wife is, and how lucky I am to have ended up marrying her at the fresh young age of 21. I also reflect back on how young and naive we really were, and marvel at how God has worked in our lives to lead us to where we are today.

-We are heading south in two weeks for a homeschooling conference. I am not really sure what to expect from it, but I am quite excited to see what God will teach us, and to see our friends the Messengers that are going to be there too.

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