Monday, December 3, 2007

december storms

First off, I can't believe it is December already. Did I blink? I didn't think I did, but I must have because we are 3 weeks away from Christmas.

We are close to being ready though, for all the time I didn't spend blogging we actually have accomplished a few things. Christmas gifts are mostly bought, some even wrapped and under the tree that we have already put up and decorated. Still, there are a few things left to be done, like figuring out what exactly we are going to do for Christmas eve, Christmas day, dinners and all that. Maybe that is why I suddenly woke up and realized it was 3 days in to December already, since we are still plan-less for the big day. This week will prove to be one of the busier of the year for us, with the Dessert Theatre, freedom session, a shopping trip to the U.S., Saturday night fun at the Ridleys. Maybe we will find time to plan for Christmas dinner.

Second, A crazy snow storm blew through Saturday night/Sunday, dumping a great bunch of snow. The really sad part is though, the rain storm that came through today dropped so much rain, that most of the foot of snow is gone. Just like that. I suppose that it is good for some, that the snow is gone, since nobody seems to understand how to drive in it. For me though, it is a bit disappointing. Of course the power had to go out at work last night, just in time to shut down for dinner service. This does nothing good for us making money, not being able to open. So often...such a pain. Next time, I hope that the snow sticks around for a couple days, just to make it worthwhile.

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