Thursday, August 27, 2009

late night musings

I have just made it home from work, and I have to say I had a challenge keeping a smile on the whole time that I was there. The whole night I felt off, never really enjoying what I was doing. I kept thinking of options on what I could be doing instead of this job, what I can do for income until paramedic school starts (which is still up in the air, thinking at least 1 year if not longer).

Then, as everyone was almost finished up and the restaurant was close to empty, God has shown me that maybe I am meant to stick around for a little while longer. I found out that a part time bartender is going to have a baby. She has been pregnant before, but lost the baby, so she is quite excited and nervous at the same time. Oh, and she has a full time job in advertising for the local paper. And it turns out, as we started to talk about how Vanessa and I would love to have another baby, that she knows the pastor of our church (hi pastor Philip!)-(who am I kidding, he doesn't read my blog), and we started talking about where our church is, and why she should come by. It was a pretty good chat, and I feel confident that she may come by soon.

Then, as the last server finished up, the bartender leaves and we start talking about which church I go to, and the one she goes to, and get in to all sorts of conversation about the struggles of a husband who will not entertain the notion of going to church and how hard that is. I will skip all the details cause it's 130 and I'm sleepy, but I am going to pray that they are able to work through his issues and get him to check out Alpha sometime.

God is great, and His ways are often hidden from us, yet they are always Good.

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