Tuesday, January 27, 2009

grandview corners south surrey

So it's not open yet, but in Mid-April, you will see Original Joe's added to the list of stores in this complex. And on the door, you will see Russell Greenhow, Managing Partner.

Giddy up!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday afternoon

Why does it take my amazing wife 2 hours to go to the grocery store, when she goes with a list that would take me only 38 minutes to gather? Some sort of grocery store limbo that I don't know about? This will seriously cut in to my Sunday afternoon nap time...

I appreciate the sun that is making an appearance today, though I fear it will not be enough. I think I need to spend some time in the sun, where it is 32 Celsius instead of 32 Fahrenheit. A cruise to Mexico would be awesome.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

cautious hooray?

I don't want to get too excited, but I think that after I wrote about the spyware problem, it seems to be fixed. Not really sure how it happened, but amongst my tampering yesterday I must have did something right. Added bonus to no more pop up-the computer seems to have regained it's youthful speed and vigor.

I was reminded yesterday why I no longer hold the company I currently work for in favor. A person who has been key to our store doing as well as it has for the last two years, who happens to have 3 kids and has worked out a routine that works very well for his family life, was given the proverbial finger and told he has to go and fix the Langley store. The same store that "they" allowed to be run in to the ground, the one that I have written about a few times. The sad part is, we have another qualified sous chef in our store that is willing to go and put in the time to help fix the Langley store. He is single, and has no kids, so working an extra couple hours per day doesn't bother him.
"They" say they have to do what is "best for the business". I am curious how forcing a loyal employee out after 13 years of service by putting him in a situation that you know he won't be happy with is "best for business". Especially since he has said flat out that he will not stay with the company if forced in to this move. Now both restaurants will lose his services. Smart business decision.

Maybe he will want to be KM of my new restaurant...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

hooray for nothing!

There I was, coming home from work on Friday night armed with a newly discovered trick to try and get rid of the annoying pop up at the bottom of my computer.
Let me tell you a bit about it. For about two or three months now, there has been an icon in the taskbar at the bottom of our screen. This icon is a red circle, with a big white X through it. Very much this icon says "stop, there is a problem!" The icon pops up about every 10 seconds or so, with a ballon message that says "warning, your computer is infected with spyware. Download antispyware program now!". The real problem is, this icon/program is the blasted spyware. I have spyware on my computer, and every scan is "quarantines" this file. I then delete it, only to have the icon still there, glaring at me.
At work, we have this young man who happens to have a second job as an IT guy. Very contrasting jobs, working in a kitchen and as an IT guy, but he's good at his job so whatever. "youngblood" as he is called, and I had a converstation on Friday. I told him about my problem, and he says that all I have to do is to piss my computer off, make it enter "safe mode" and I will be able to go in and delete the file. So, I came home Friday, and did this, and thought that I was free and clear of this issue. I was, but only because I went to bed after cheering about it with the entire blogosphere (which for me consists of about 3 people. maybe).
It hasn't worked. I have spent the last two hours working on this problem, and it still laughs at me as I write this.

And in other news, Thursday morning I will be meeting one more time with the powers that be to see about OJ's. Could be the one in south Surrey is available now...that would be sweet.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

things to cheer for

A couple things to be thankful for and say hooray to before I crash into bed:

1) the job assessment this morning went very well, and they like me. this is good news

2) I think that I have finally gotten rid of the annoying pop up in the taskbar that has been there for months

3) Vanessa tried a new job. She jumped in with both feet, and unfortunately the water was infested with angry, yelling, unhappy and mean people in charge, so she got out, and will live to find another pool of water on another day. It's taken me a few years to get to that point.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I mentioned that Vanessa has a job now. It's a job with normal people hours, unlike my job which is all over the place. I have had yesterday and today off, and with Vanessa at work now instead of sleeping in, shopping and going out for lunch with her, I am a part time stay at home dad.
Because of this, I am doing fun things, such as: loads of laundry, vacuuming and cruising the world wide web. (do people call it that anymore? is it just internet? surfing? googling?) Maybe spend some time exercising (hahaha...I thought about going for a run yesterday. Then I stopped thinking about it when my knees reminded me that they should have a say in it too), watching Oprah and eating bon bons...
The good news is, staying home and doing fun things like laundry doesn't cost anywhere near as much money as shopping and going out for lunch. Added bonus: time to blog.

I found this during my "surfing" this morning. I would be a "squire" which sounds about right.

The mornings seem to be going ok so far. It's only been 3 days, but all 3 have seen Vanessa get to work on time, the kids lunches have been made and equipped with all necessary eating utensils, ice packs and snacks. They have even been ready early enough that we have had time to watch pokemon before leaving for school. It's on from 8-8:25, which is perfect. It ends early enough for the kids to get their shoes on, and get out to the car to make it to school on time. Today we even got there 5 minutes before the first bell.

Not sure how long we can keep this up, as I have been off for two days in a row now. May be more of a challenge if I close during the week, but so far it's great.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year...two weeks late

If this blog was a child, I would officially be reported to Child Services. I took a month or so off, yet didn't have anyone step in to care for it. Upon returning today, I see that it is still alive, although the 3 people that read it have probably moved on to bigger and better by now.

The holidays were good. The snow provided lots of activity for the kids, and one special day where lots of the aunts & uncles and even grandma and grandpa's got out on the sleds and flew down the hill.

As the kids headed back to school last week, it provided Vanessa with some time to do some shopping-I mean job hunting. Today was her first day of her new monday to friday gig, 8-430. Why can't my job have hours like that? I have yet to get the update on how things went, but the store she is at doesn't open until Feb. so I don't imagine there was a whole lot to report. I know from giving 12,622 orientations at my job, that hers was probably not that exciting. I'll find out soon, as the kids are getting picked up from "daycare" (HUGE props to Gary and mostly Angela for hooking us up with a couple hours in their afternoons). The kids were not super excitied that Vanessa was going to work, but the thought of getting to hang out with Auntie and the kids made it easier to bear.

Still investigating an opportunity with a new restaurant, hopefully in the next week or so we'll have some more concrete answers. And time to keep the blogosphere updated.