Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hi Internet!

I have missed you, your unfortunate capture by the evil communications company has finally come to an end. It's not bad enough that we had to pack up all of our stuff into boxes, throw them in a truck and then unload them all. All the stairs...up, down, up, down, all day long. No, not bad enough that we still have stuff in boxes all over the house. The nasty "don't 'Tell-us' about it because we don't really care anyway" company took you over, and refused to relinquish control until today.

Don't think I abandoned you, internet. I was fighting with all my might to get you back sooner. I just don't have the power to compete with such a dominating force. Alas, you are safe. You have been returned to me, and the good news is you seem to be just as I left you. Waiting, albeit patiently, to be returned to your home with us.

Welcome back, internet.