Saturday, August 23, 2008

sound byte from inside my head

I hate packing and moving. Even when I am excited about the new place, the packing and moving is disliked. A lot.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Last year at the Children's Museum in Seattle, I took a picture of Vanessa painting a picture. I posted this picture on flickr (which was probably the last time I posted anything on flickr...sad, it's been almost a year). Anyway, I am now published in the "schmap" of NW washington.

I have added the widget to the side of the page, check it out. Look for the children's museum, and you will see the picture. Fun Times!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


In an interesting turn of events, the baseball tournament was lost to us in the quarter finals. Turns out when you have 19 players show up for baseball, you end up having a hard time managing the subs. The good news is, the basketball game was won by us. 1-2 record now, so nice that we didn't get swept.

I have been requested to give some ideas on what I would like for my birthday, which will be coming up next weekend. Here goes...

-moving truck for the end of the month
-dress shirts for work (16 neck, 36-37 arm)
-a new windshield for the Focus
-some new cd's:
----third day
----chris tomlin
----brandon heath (check the spelling on that one)
----the newest mercyme (not sure what it's called)
-Planet Earth/Blue Planet DVD series

That's it for now. Happy weekend everyone.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Tomorrow is the annual {corporate restaurant name here} baseball tournament. Starts at 9am, and goes pretty much all day (if we keep winning, which we should, as the defending champs our team looks really good). Some dinner, maybe a hot tub, then off to basketball at night. We're hoping to maybe win our first game of the season (0-2 so far). Good times...

I think that on Thursday I may be a bit broken in the body. Right now, I have to go and get ready for tomorrow. This will involve tylenol for my screaming headache, and some R&R on the couch.

For those of you missing the daily (or quasi-daily) messages from the bible, I think that they are pretty much on hold until September. I may get one or two in, but this month is chalk full of stuff to do and I don't think I can get the discipline together yet. Soon...