Here I am internet. I have come back to you, once again. It's not that we really had a fight. I was never really mad at you or anything, it's just that I was distracted by another hot little number. Called Christmas. I know, I know, you don't want to hear it. I know it's only one day to you, but to me it means a lot. It's been over 2 weeks since Christmas ended, and I still haven't called. I can see why you might be upset. Believe me, I thought about calling, but I was nervous about what you would say. I was unsure how to explain to you about why I hadn't been around. It's a poor excuse, I know, but it's really all I have to offer.
If you would like to know, internet, Christmas went well for us. It was a bit of a different feel this year, staying at home all day and not travelling around to visit anyone. We had a very nice breakfast with my mom and dad, and the kids seemed to have just enough to do with all their new stuff. They didn't get extremely spoiled, which is good, but everything they did get they seemed to enjoy. There are many lego vehicles being displayed around the house now, each getting it's turn playing around the house. Noah and his Ark are constantly afloat, animals all over the place.
And I think if we have to watch High School Musical 1 or 2 very much more, I may just quit my job and start dancing around the local high schools, singing songs all the day long. Until I end up in jail, which would take about 42 seconds.
Yup, God blessed us greatly this Christmas season, and because of this dear internet, I have been busy. I will do my best to be there for you, to keep you updated on our lives. Just know though, that the longer I stay away the more great things are happening around here.